Drapery Lining: Don’t Make the Dreaded Drapery Mistake

When people ask us what makes Drapery Street different, we often talk about quality, construction, and drapery lining. But why do these things matter? Why should you be concerned about the construction and lining of your drapes?


Drapery Mistakes - Drapery Street

There are certain elements that separate gorgeous drapes from mere pieces of fabric hanging on a window. Quality fabrics and structured pleating help your drapes to stand tall rather than droop lifelessly. A well-constructed drape will hold its shape and look fabulous for years, rather than lose its shape over time.


Lining adds structure to the drape, especially if you choose English Bump. Quality lining will add insulation, which can help regulate your energy bill. Unlined drapes appear entirely different when the light shines through the fabric, often making the fabric you loved unrecognizable. Lining is a must to limit the presence of light when drapes are closed or eliminate it completely.

Lining protects your investment. Exposure to sunlight will cause your drapes to fade over time. There’s nothing worse than selecting drapery panels in a color you love and then having them slowly fade to something you hate. Lining your drapes means they will stay as beautiful as they were the day they were installed.


Drapery Mistakes - Drapery Street

There is an immense variety of fabrics to choose from when you’re selecting drapes for your home. You can go casual with cotton or luxurious with silk. No matter what material you choose, you want a quality fabric that is made for home interiors. You don’t want your drapes to be made out of the same material as your bed sheets!

When you invest in window treatments from Drapery Street, you are investing in an excellent product that will last for many years. We stand behind our work, and because we focus solely on windows, we are able to provide a level of specialization and customization you won’t find anywhere else. Contact us today to schedule a design consultation and learn more about how we can transform your windows. Be sure to follow us on Houzz as well, to keep up on our latest projects.


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